For those of you who didn’t know, Lindsay discovered a small left inguinal hernia in Will’s groin several weeks ago. Today we went to Seattle Children’s Hospital to have it repaired. Everything went very well. He was NPO (nothing by mouth) since 2am this morning, which we were worried about since he LOVES to eat, but he was remarkably happy right up until they took him to the OR. It took about 1 hour, and the surgeon said he found a medium hernia and doesn’t expect any complications. I know, I know, it was a small and very routine procedure, but we would be lying if we didn’t admit to a little apprehension. The surgeon said the only worry was that someone might steal him from recovery because he is so cute. As you can see below, he is back from recovery, and resting comfortably in his Momma’s arms.
(Amelia went to stay with Pop-pop Mike and Grandma Kat in Eatonville. We are sure she is having a wonderful time.)
We’re so glad it went well, he is doing so well and it is over. It looks like he ended up right where he belongs and is as beautiful as ever. Lindsay, you look a bit tired but relieved. Thanks for the timely update so we don’t have to continue wondering. love to all, including oblivious Mia. I’m sure she didn’t mind being packed off to Grandma and Pop-pop’s!
What a relief! I’m so glad everything went so well. Will looks absolutely SWEET! I’m sure he’ll be eating double tonight to catch up. Linz, you look so calm and confident. What a good mommy! Love to you guys.