Today was Amelia’s first day of preschool. Perhaps if she had any reservations about going, I’d be a little sad. However, this just wasn’t the case. Amelia was practically dressed before we poured the coffee this morning, and she wanted to know when Will would take his morning nap so we could go! She picked out her “school dress”, packed her backpack, made sure her lunch was ready in her lunch “purse”, and we were off for a 10:1o start time (after a couple pictures of course). There were no sad goodbyes at the drop-off, she just wanted to know where the crayons were so she could get started.
At 2:00 Will and I returned to retrieve our girl. As many of the children were waiting near the door to see their parents, Amelia was still in the classroom eating snacks, by herself. She was the last one to leave after slowly getting all her things, talking with her new friend Tova, and saying goodbye to her three teachers. As we were walking to our car she said, “my favorite part of school was snack, and playing outside, and running…everything was my favorite part. Today was my favorite day mom.”
Oh my, my, my. I was wondering how school was and didn’t remember when she was to start. I’m not surprised that things were so wonderful, but the story of Amelia’s first day of school was absolutely perfect. It did bring tears to my eyes to be reminded of her total enthusiasm for new adventure. It is just the first of many….and she is well prepared! We can’t wait to hear more! love, kisses and hugs!