Amelia update…

We have been bad about posting cute and funny things that Amelia has done recently, but here’s an update.

Amelia has acquired some sympathetic “babies” in her tummy to keep Mommy company. They are occasionally non-human (giraffe), and different colors (purple). She prefers the names Millie, Cinderella, and Sedgewin (?). One convenient thing is that she can take them out of her tummy at times, like when she wants to run around. Lindsay is very jealous of this capability.

Its blackberry season, and Amelia has enjoyed stopping to eat some when on bike rides to the market on Sundays and coming home from the babysitter when her daddy gets through with work early.

Amelia likes to play outside in the backyard (recently fenced in completely) in her rubber boots.

She is looking forward to her new baby brother/sister (she thinks it will be a brother), who will keep her company in her room at night. But the baby needs to bring its own crib because Amelia still wants to sleep in hers. She says she wants to hold the new baby, and that it won’t be able to talk, or walk, and it will cry a lot.

Also, all the videos we have taken of Amelia have been posted (see, or They are not in chronological order (new ones will be), and largely unannotated, but they are fun to watch. Stay tuned for updates, of Amelia and the new one.

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