We went to Utah with Mark, Faith, Spencer, and Jonathan Parts, The Grandparents and the Pantazis’ for a couple days of skiing over the holiday. As usual, we didn’t take as many videos as we should have… but here a few choice clips of the kids.
Wow, they did so well!! Yay Amelia and Will!
I can’t believe how well they are ripping it up already! Yay, Amelia and Will! I’m very impressed. Will looks like he will be quite the adrenaline seeker and ready to shred in no time. I saw that crazy spray stop/crash into dad! 🙂
Paria will be so excited to watch this with me tonight. Maybe we can plan a ski trip with the Spencers next year when P is riding the lifts more proficiently and the mommies can hike around with the babies.