Quotes by Amelia

I’ve been meaning to record the great things Amelia says so here’s a recap of comments that stand out over the past few months:

Amelia and I were laying on my bed one afternoon when she was about 22 months old

and she was rubbing my face. She said “You make me happy mama, you make me happy on Thursdays.”

I went out to lunch one day and brought home my spaghetti left-overs, which I decided to give Amelia for dinner that night. When she looked in the take-out container she said “It’s beautiful!”

Recently Amelia has been pretending to go to work. She’ll get her giraffe backpack, walk to the door and tell us “I have to go to my office in Eabonbille and work on my computer.”

Last night when I was rocking her (bedtime was a bit challenging for us) she informed me that she has a purple baby in her tummy named “Millie”, daddy has a brown baby named “Sarah”, and I have a red baby with no name.

Other Amelia highlights/accomplishments are singing her ABCs, recognizing her name when it’s written, and counting to 12.

One response to “Quotes by Amelia”

  1. Brian and Anne Spencer

    We love the Amelia stories. We have lots of stories after your visit here to Iowa. Some highlights:
    We visited Uncle Rob and Aunt Sandy for the day and Amelia entertained both us and herself. Sandy had fabulous toys that Amelia explored completely. At one point however, she burst into tears at something that someone said to her. When asked what was wrong, she replied, “You hurt my feelings!” We decided THAT is the way to handle those situations. Just let people know exactly what happened!

    Amelia met her new cousin Vera and was concerned when she cried, but didn’t really let her cramp her style. She was more interested in Dodger and Penny than a baby who doesn’t really move around that much. They did some smiling at each other, and did a nice job playing with the “toy” , the little saucer entertainment center that was for Vera’s age.

    We went on several walks from the farm. Amelia was in the backpack for the first one and complained most of the way. It was hot. Her dad took her in the stroller for the second one, at Gramma’s suggestion, and HE complained most of the way that time! It was bumpy and hard to maneuver. My, oh my!

    Amelia had her first experience with a slip and slide and LOVED it. She ran, stopped and then plopped down in the water at first, but then started to get the hang of sliding a bit. It was as much fun to watch as it was for her to do it. She was joined by Spencer, Jonathon and even Aunt Helen!

    There was lots of fruit for Amelia. She “helped” pick strawberries, but all the ones she picked, or picked out of the bowls of others, she ate. By the time she was finished she was red from nose to umbilicus! She was also fed black raspberries by her Pop Pop. He took her over to Glorine’s across the road, and fed her as many as she wished. When her mouth wasn’t full of raspberries, she was both saying AND signing “mo, mo”. Unfortunately, that day coincided with her stomach flu. Hopefully she won’t associate black raspberries with an upset tummy….

    She kept track of all important people, wanting to know where Laura, Helen, Pop Pop, Penny and Dodger were at ALL times and checking on the Parts boys, John and Faith intermittently. “Where (whoever was missing) go?” was a constant question.

    She continually dazzled us with her questions, comments, and songs (she knows so many!!!). We read lots of books, she loved to run unchecked outside in the grass, swing on the swing, chase the dogs, try out the tricycle and play in the hose – you’ve seen the pictures. It was idyllic and will be repeated summer after summer.

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