Amelia’s Dance Recital

This is the third year Amelia has danced with the Brentwood Dance School. It’s a great program, taught by the same woman for 35 years at the elementary schools. The girls dance every Monday evening throughout the school year and the recital on Mother’s Day weekend is the grand finale. Thanks for the great pictures Jessica!!i=3242884276&k=Z4MRj2h&lb=1&s=A!i=3242884249&k=XbP3kfj&lb=1&s=A!i=3242884636&k=6tXqb6m&lb=1&s=A!i=3242884603&k=VMQgLZn&lb=1&s=A!i=3242884312&k=V6S3LzT&lb=1&s=A!i=3242884658&k=4NKDfMt&lb=1&s=A

Good friends, Avery, Amelia, and Haven!i=3242884952&k=WxCZ3Ks&lb=1&s=A

2 responses to “Amelia’s Dance Recital”

  1. Catalina

    Hi Lindsay, I hope things are going well for all of you. I thought about you guys the other day (we did a Rhubarb Crisp) and had a recipe David gave me. I emailed David, but not sure if he received my email. Have not heard from him. I am not sure if your are still in St. Louis and the only email address that I have is Then I remembered about this website. Would you mind giving my email address to David?
    I wanted to say hi and let you know that we are moving to Omaha. I have a little daughter Olivia, that is almost 2. She is doing great.

  2. Olga

    What a great summer you had! Beautiful pictures. Good luck to Amelia and Will at school. Amelia the pictures are fantastic…

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