32 weeks and Summer Vacation

The quick update here is that baby Spencer is growing well (as you can see) and we are at 32+ weeks now. Everything is going great and we are heading into summer….today. School is out at noon for the year and the temperature is suppose to get up to 91. Kindergarten has been a great experience for all of us. So great in fact that Amelia has told me several times that she’s not looking forward to the last day because she’ll miss her teacher so much. (She cried when we got home today because she just wanted to go back!) Will did not cry on his last day of preschool, but had a big hug for his teacher who was wonderful. Our summer will start with a visit from Helen, John, and the girls this weekend, lots of time at the pool where Amelia will be doing swim team, and a trip to Milwaukee and Chicago next week. Getting ready for wicked hotness!



2 responses to “32 weeks and Summer Vacation”

  1. Caroline Kinsman

    I am thinking of you and missing your face. xoxxo

    Looking forward to looking through your pix on my lunch break today!

  2. crystal

    miss you Linds, you look great!!!! enjoy summer vacation 🙂

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